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WuZenTech Videos

 Hybrid 2D to 3D Bioprinting/Pipetting Robot for Drug Discovery/Toxicology


Compound Management, Drug Discovery,  HCS, HTS, Data visualization, compound registration, drug delivery, portable devices, Robotics, Software, Temperature Control, Tissue Engineering, toxicology, biomaterials, in vitro assays, cell biology, stem cells, regenerative medicine,pre-clinical, 96, 384, 1536 well, microplate format, biomimetic scaffolds, reduce edge effects. Biochemical Assays/Cell-based Assays/HTS/Probes/building blocks, alternatives to animal testing, Standard, New Technology. Best solutions for your requirements and budgets at your stage of development within your organization. Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Biotech, Clinical/Hospitals, Academia/Institutes, Government, CRO.

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